Phase-field modeling of grain evolutions in additive manufacturing from nucleation, growth, to coarsening

Published in Npj Computational Materials, 2021

Abstract: A three-dimensional phase-field model is developed to simulate grain evolutions during powder-bed-fusion (PBF) additive manufacturing, while the physically-informed temperature profile is implemented from a thermal-fluid flow model. The phase-field model incorporates a nucleation model based on classical nucleation theory, as well as the initial grain structures of powder particles and substrate. The grain evolutions during the three-layer three-track PBF process are comprehensively reproduced, including grain nucleation and growth in molten pools, epitaxial growth from powder particles, substrate and previous tracks, grain re-melting and re-growth in overlapping zones, and grain coarsening in heat-affected zones. A validation experiment has been carried out, showing that the simulation results are consistent with the experimental results in the molten pool and grain morphologies. Furthermore, the grain refinement by adding nanoparticles is preliminarily reproduced and compared against the experimental result in literature.

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Recommended citation: Yang, Min, Lu Wang, and Wentao Yan. “Phase-field modeling of grain evolutions in additive manufacturing from nucleation, growth, to coarsening.” Npj Computational Materials 7.1 (2021): 1-12.